Monday, January 12, 2009


Blogging. My sister-in-law told me about it. My sister told me about it. Everyone seems to be blogging these days. It took me a long time to get just used to the word, so obviously I never wanted to follow suit. But on account of a recent holiday purchase, I have discovered my passion for photography. Who knew that taking pictures, of all things, could be so fun and satisfying! I took a couple of photography classes in school near the beginning of the year, but never really fell in love with the idea. Throughout my year at Vancouver Film School I realized that my strange obsession for lines and symmetry (slightly obsessive compulsive?) proved useful in the composition and framing of my student work. And now that I have a camera capable of taking amazing photos (not just of a couple of friends pushing their faces together at a party, making a "funny" face) I feel ready to take my knowledge and find those stunning pictures!

Or try at least...

So this is the first official blog on my site. This blog is a place for me to post my photos of my family, friends, and anything else that inspires me.

For those who have creative criticism (be nice now!) I am open for comments and suggestions. I would also love to see any pictures people want to share, so feel free to send me links or even pictures you have captured that you find inspiring. I might even post some on my blog ;)

I'm signing off for now, but pictures are sure to follow soon.

Bradey Strong

1 comment:

  1. those are some cool pics Bradey! Especially the one of my homeless child. I have a blog too but am really bad at updating it and checking out other friends blogs. I am expecting some more really super cool pics on your blog.
